
2007藍葉子藝術珠寶展 8/18-30
台北市立社教館 台北市八德路3段25號2樓 第二展覽室 am9-pm5 週一休館 本展由 國家文化藝術基金會 贊助
藍葉子藝術珠寶展是由策展人呂雪芬,召集一群持續創作的珠寶藝術工作者的展出活動,這個活動自1998年起以複合的展出形式開始,間,這個展出的概念來自,創作可以是自身與包容。藍葉子希望容納不同的藝術珠寶創作者的聲音,對於持續創作力的經營是值得期待的,在珠寶創作世界裡無限寬廣,每位創作者自身的主張,都值的喝采 在金工的領域裡,藝術珠寶的定義是什麼?以可配帶實用主義的角度做為基點,其它的都可能會發生,延申開來也可說是身體配帶飾物的各種可能,異樣質材與珠寶的結合,形與色,傳統與創新皆相互融合的呈現,藝術珠寶的多貌就此展開................... 
The Blue Leaf art Jewelry Exhibition is the essence of the hard work of Jewelry Artist, Sandra Lu. She has gathered a group of passionate Jewelry Artists for this exhibition. Each Artist has their own unique identity – Blue Leaf Art Jewelry aims to showcase the distinctive and unusual creations in Art Jewelry. Art Jewelry is evolving and presently is at an exciting stage of development. Clearly there are great potential and depths of creativity to be tapped. In the field of Metal Smith, what is “Art Jewelry”? The Concept starts from a wearable piece. In combining different materials, shape, forms and colors, the Artists weaves of tradition with innovation thus transforming Jewelry into ART, Art Jewelry is Happening…


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